Whisk(e)y fueled thoughts, tastings, and insights.

Whiskey 101.
Interested in whiskey but don’t know where to start.

Whiskey life.
All things whiskey related. Interviews, cigars, cooking and more.

Whiskey thoughts.
Personal opinions and tasting notes.

Whiskey events.
Events I produce or find fun.

Whiskey tastings and classes.
Unveil the mystery of whiskey through tastings or classes in-person or virtual.
I have a passion for life, family, and friends. Of course, this includes whiskey, food, and the lifestyle that comes with them. I am not a world traveler (yet), and I have not tasted every whiskey available. I am a guy on a journey.
My journey has taken me from what the hell is a whiskey to a whiskey sommelier and founding a whiskey festival. On this path, I have discovered an incredible community. But, I also face the elites or snobs of whiskey. That says this is the only good whiskey or the only way you should drink whiskey. Forget all that.
Borrowing from my friends at the Whiskey Tribe, “The best whiskey is the one you like, and the best way to drink it is however you want.”
The number one story I tell is how I got into whiskey. It seems people want to like whiskey but do not know where to start. They are afraid of not being right. So I am sharing what I have learned.
Interested in a whiskey tasting, class, or just want some guidance send me an email at jake@txwhiskeyfest.com.