Tasting notes. | Bourbon & Vine.


Sourced for Oak & Eden | Bourbon & Vine | $54.99* | 90 proof | At least 3 years old | 60% corn, 36% rye, and 4% barley | Cabernet steeped French oak spire

About the whiskey.

Bourbon & Vine is a seasonal release from Oak & Eden. This is the third release of this expression. Oak & Eden focuses on in-bottle finishing; think of it as cask finishes. There is a 5" piece of charred or toasted oak with various finishing techniques, called spire, in each bottle. The bourbon & vine uses a medium toasted French oak spire steeped in Cabernet. From the color to the taste, there is a definite impact on the bourbon in the bottle. According to the distilleries research, after about 6 weeks, the spire is finished. It is ok to leave it in the bottle, but it is not imparting any more flavor. 

The taste.

The red wine jumps out with subtle traces of vanilla, chocolate, and leather (the spice I smell.) The flavor is full of traditional wine flavors of dark red fruits, oak, and vanilla. The finish is quick with spice from the rye and oak settling into a mild fruit. 

The takeaway.

If you like wine and spicy bourbons, give it a chance. The in-bottle finishing comes across as a gimmick, and to a certain degree, it is a good marketing stick. However, it does impart flavor on the whiskey. The flavors are bold but feel natural as the whiskey does not have a syrupy feel. Oak & Eden is sourcing, blending, and bottling some good whiskey. The finishes are a fun way to experiment. I dig it. 

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Auchentoshan American Oak | Tasting notes.


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