Whiskey Jake

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Texas Whiskey Festival Blend 2

Picture by Single Barrel Pics

Yes, this whiskey is the second bottled distillery collaboration in the history of Texas.

This blend came to be because I love Ranger Creek's rye whiskey, Brandon from Lone Elm asked to be part of the blend, and then someone decided the wheated Ghost Hill Bourbon would be the right fit.

This blend had some challenges. We left Treaty Oak loving the creation. A couple of weeks later I was sharing a glass with my father-in-law. I asked him to try this blend, and the look was all the response needed. The whiskey settled into a black pepper bomb. Needless to say but we were at square one. Then the talented Emma Crandall saved the day with a few tweaks and returned to what we loved.


  • 375ml

  • 58.4% ABV | 116.8 Proof

  • Lone Elm Whiskey

  • Treaty Oak Distilling

  • Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling

  • Class - Blended Whiskey

  • Released - February 2020

    • SOLD OUT!

The Blend:

  • Lone Elm Wheat Whiskey | 50%

  • Ranger Creek .44 whiskey | 37.5%

  • Treaty Oak Ghost Hill Bourbon | 12.5%

